Join us for the 16th Annual Child's Play Dinner Auction, an event you don't want to miss where geekdom and generosity are celebrated all to benefit pediatric patients in our network hospitals. This is your opportunity to bid on unique memorabilia, art, and one-of-a-kind experiences all for a good cause.
We have partnered with the Seattle Marriott Bellevue located at 200 110th Avenue NE just blocks from the Meydenbauer Center. We have a special room block, simply call (425) 214-7600, and mention the Child's Play Charity Dinner Auction Room Block. You will receive a discounted rate of $155 per night.
December 12, 2019
6:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Meydenbauer Center
11100 NE 6th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Mike Krahulik, Artist, Penny Arcade
Jerry Holkins, Writer, Penny Arcade
Seats are limited so don't wait! Don't forget to take advantage of our hotel room block! If you have any questions, concerns or need help reserving your seat, you can always reach out to a Child's Play team member.
Vice President
Elaine Chase
Mike Krahulik
Michael Fehlauer Hayes
Dr. Asher Marks
Mateo Messina